This activity was planned for 2 hours in a class of primary school (CM1-CM2), in order to introduce the concept of logic gates to children with dominos. This report contains all the necessary information if you intend to realise it yourself in a class. This activity can be adapted to other publics.
Clic here to see the pdf.
Here you can find an introductory lecture to logic and math symbols for beginners. It was designed for a two hours lecture and contains exercises. The document is in english but the specific vocabulary is translated in french. This sheet can be used as support or simply read for curiosity.
Clic here to see the pdf.
A two months internship in modal logic at the Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT) with Andreas Herzig and Jonathan Ben-Naim. The goal was to create a distance between Kripke models which could be used in order to generalise distance-based belief update to modal logic.
You can find the final report here and the slides of the final presentation here.
A five month internship in model checking at the Fakultät informatik of the University of Dresden with Christel Baier, Sascha Klüppelholz and Jakob Piribauer. The goal was to create, study and implement a measure of responsibility in a transition system with respect to a counterexample. This measure could be used in complementarity with model checkers to localise the source of violation of safety propeterties in counterexamples.
You can find the final report here and the slides of the final presentation here.
This work lead to the writing of an article in collaboration with Johannes Lehmann, which was accepted by the conference AAAI. You can find an extended version of the article on ArXiV, the code by Johannes Lehmann on Github and a snapshot on Zenodo.
A six month internship in cognitive sciences at the Institut Jean Nicod with Coralie Chevallier and Jean-Baptiste André. This internship aimed to study the effect of social trust (trust that people have in strangers) on the structure of social networks, and in particular the clustering coefficient.
You can find the final report here and the python code together with illustrating videos of the simualtions here.
(The following files are in french for now.)
Simple shashibo pattern to print : here.
Two shashibo patterns to print on one page : here.
Instructions to assemble the pattern : here.