Roxane Van den Bossche


I am a student in theoretical computer science, currently doing a gap year in cognitive sciences. On this website, you can find my curriculum and some of my ressources.

My education in a few words

I am currently doing an "interface year" at the CogMaster, which is a master of cognitive sciences hosted jointly by the École Normale Supérieure de Paris, the EHESS, and the Université Paris-cité. In this master, I focus on Behaviour, Decision Science, Social interractions and Modelisation.

My core education is in theoretical computer science at the École Normale Superieure de Paris-Saclay. I completed my first year of master at the Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique in 2023 and aim for the second year of this master for 2024-2025. My main interests in computer science are Logic, Modal Logics, Model Checking, Graph theory, Automata and Games.

I am invested in scientific vulgarisation and in gender equality in science. In particular, I was involved in the project Informatique débranchée and I recieved the scholarship Femmes en sciences.

Image of a transition system
A run (in red) on a transition system, an illustration of my M1 internship


Writing, Reading, Judo, Piano, Coding, Minecraft, Board Games...


roxane.van_den_bossche AT ens-paris-sacalay DOT fr